Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them.

Matthew 11:4-6

Holy Bible, NIV


Providing healthcare and spiritual care for the uninsured.

Christ Healthcare Ministry promotes solutions to address the unmet physical and spiritual needs of low-income residents of Greater New York. We provide primary care, health information, referrals to existing healthcare entities, and Christian spiritual counseling. CHCM promotes healthcare activities to search out the least, the lost, and the last and to offer them compassionate healthcare and spiritual care. CHCM partners with local healthcare providers who use their God-given skills and talents to bring healing to the physical body and the hope of eternal healing through Jesus Christ.

Christ Health Care Ministry (CHCM) takes a holistic view of health care, paying attention to physical and spiritual needs.

Beginning in 2010, even before CHCM was formally established, several physicians and other health care professionals volunteered their time, money, and supplies to offer screenings and basic care instructions to some of those neediest in the City of Newburgh at the long-established Newburgh Ministry.